The Factors analysis of Digital Competency for Education Management Administrators Under The Loei Primary Education Area 1 The Factors analysis of Digital Competency for Education Management Administrators Under The Loei Primary Education Area 1

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Nawaphat Chatchawan
Kunnika Chatchawan


The objectives of this dissertation were as follows: 1) to explore the factors analysis of digital competency for education management administrators under the Loei primary education area 1 2) to  examine  the  goodness  of  the factors analysis of digital competency for education management administrators under the Loei primary education area 1 with empirical data measurement, while the confirmatory factor analysis of data was also conducted. The data of this quantitative research were collected from 500 samples consisting of basic school administrators under the Loei primary education area 1 in the academic year 2022. The five-scale questionnaire was the research tool. The data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, distribution coefficient, and factor analysis through computerized statistical program.

          According to research results:

  1. The factors analysis of digital competency for education management administrators under the Loei primary education area 1 included four components: (1) Digital literacy (2) Digital Vision (3) Management and Digital Leadership and (4) Digital Culture.

2. The measurement model of each component developed from the theory and research was positively consistent with the empirical data; P-value = 0.17, Chi-square/df = 1.24, SRMR = 0.01, RMSEA = 0.03, NFI = 0.99, NNFI = 1.00, GFI = 0.99 and AGFI = 0.97

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How to Cite
Chatchawan, N., & Chatchawan, K. (2023). The Factors analysis of Digital Competency for Education Management Administrators Under The Loei Primary Education Area 1: The Factors analysis of Digital Competency for Education Management Administrators Under The Loei Primary Education Area 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 169–182. Retrieved from
Research Article


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