The Development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province The Development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province

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Jaruwan Tongkhan
Maneeya Surat


The purposes of this research was to Development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province. 1) to development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province. 2) to validate the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province. The instrument used was Multi – Stage Random Sampling method, research sample for scale validation consisted of 567 6th grade students in Nongbualamphu Province, academic year 2022. The development of the measurement instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century comprised of 50 items, aimed to 5 skills the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century; Access Skill, Analyze Skill, Evaluate Skill, Create Skill, Participate Skill. the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century test with situational exam 4 different score choices. 

The research results showed that the to development of the measurement instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century could be efficiently used to assess development of the measurement instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century 6th grade students in Nongbualamphu Province.

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How to Cite
Tongkhan, J., & Surat, M. (2023). The Development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province: The Development of the Measurement Instruments of the Media Literacy Skills in the 21st Century for 6th Grade Students in Nongbualamphu Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 142–155. Retrieved from
Research Article


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