Study of Competency of Teachers in 21st Centery Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 Study of Competency of Teachers in 21st Centery Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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somnuek intala
Kunnika Vaisopha


The purpose of the research was to study 1) Level of competency of teachers in 21st century under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1. 2) Compare level of competency of teachers in 21st century under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 classify by gender, age, education degree, work experience and school size. The research samples determined by the stratified sampling method included 289 school teachers under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office and data collection with each school teacher by random sampling method. The research instrument was questionnaire. The statistics use for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and One-way analysis of variance.

The results of the study were as follows: 1) The competency of teachers in 21st century under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 overall and each aspect it was found out overall at the high level with order descending mean: the aspects of student support, classroom management, curriculum administration and learning management, digital technology, and achievement motivation. 2) the comparative results of the competency of teachers in 21st century under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 classified by gender overall and each aspect it was not found out difference, classified by education degree overall and each aspect it was found out overall significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05 when considered it was found out that the aspects of curriculum administration and learning management, student support and classroom management showed significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05 as for aspect was not found out different, classified by age overall and each aspect it was not found out overall not different when considered it was found out that the aspects of curriculum administration and learning management, student support, classroom management and digital technology showed significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05 as for other aspect was not found out different, classified by work experience overall and each aspect it was not found out overall not different when considered it was found out that the aspects of classroom management showed significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05 as for other aspect was not found out different,  classified by school size overall and each aspect it was found out overall significantly different at the statistical level of 0.05

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How to Cite
intala, somnuek, & Vaisopha, K. (2023). Study of Competency of Teachers in 21st Centery Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1: Study of Competency of Teachers in 21st Centery Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 228–239. Retrieved from
Research Article


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