A study to drive the development of model areas to improve the quality of life According to the new theory applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model” at the household level in the area of Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Subdistrict, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province A study to drive the development of model areas to improve the quality of life According to the new theory applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model” at the household level in the area of Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Subdistrict, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province

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Wichoon Saengthopho
Boonme Chanakit
Somjai Sorasit
Wichai Sisaket


In the midst of the global crisis that is changing rapidly by organizing projects that apply the use of His Majesty's wisdom and Introduce development concepts and theories from His Majesty's initiatives to solve economic, social and environmental problems. The objectives of this research were 1) to analyze factors affecting quality of life development according to the new theory. 2) to develop a model area for quality-of-life development according to the new theory applied to the "Khok Nong Na Model" at the household level in Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Sub-district, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province. 3) To present a prototype area development model for improving the quality of life according to the new theory applied to the "Khok Nong Na Model" at the household level in the area of Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Sub-district, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province as qualitative research. The source of information is target group which is a model household that has been trained according to the development project A model area for improving the quality of life according to new theories applied to the "Khok Nong Na Model" of the year 2022 by the Department of Community Development. The research tools were in-depth interview Content Analysis The results of the research revealed that 1) Factors affecting quality of life development according to the new theory of households in Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province divided into internal factors. and external factors the internal factors consist of knowledge capital. Area capital and nature economic capital social capital Infrastructure capital and cultural capital as for the external factors, it consists of applying the philosophy of sufficiency economy to The practice of working together with the integration of all 7 parties. The application of the new theory of agriculture applied to the "Kok Nong Na Model". Flexibility in changing the area. 2) The development of model areas to improve the quality of life according to the new theory of households. In the area of Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province, the original area has already been implemented in the New Theory farming on an area of 10 rai. Applying for participation in the project has been further developed from New Theory Agriculture to Khok Nong Na Model according to the sufficiency economy guideline. with water management Manage the area by making agricultural land. And 3) a model to drive the model area development project to improve the quality of life according to the new theory applied to the "Kok Nong Na Model" at the household level in the area. Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province, consisting of knowledge capital space capital and nature Economic capital, social capital, infrastructure capital and cultural capital introducing the philosophy of sufficiency economy into practice, applying new theories to the “Kok Nong Na Model”, working together with the integration of the 7 administrative alliances. manage the area to be a learning center and development of production and marketing for distribution of produce.

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How to Cite
Saengthopho, W., Chanakit, B., Sorasit, S., Prakrupariyatworameti, & Sisaket, W. (2023). A study to drive the development of model areas to improve the quality of life According to the new theory applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model” at the household level in the area of Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Subdistrict, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province: A study to drive the development of model areas to improve the quality of life According to the new theory applied to the “Khok Nong Na Model” at the household level in the area of Dong Maree Village, Kho Wang Subdistrict, Kho Wang District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 412–422. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2621
Research Article


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