The Promises Made by Populist Leaders who Claim to Represent the Powerless in Elections The Promises Made by Populist Leaders who Claim to Represent the Powerless in Elections

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Phramaha Supachai Namgaew
Kanta Srilah


          The use of populist policies to gain political power can be complex and have significant implications for how governments and society as a whole operate. Populist policies often arise in situations where there is dissatisfaction with the current state of affairs and a desire to change the status quo of society and government. This article examines the nature of promises made to the community by politicians who gain power through populist policies and elections in a Thai-style democratic system. It explores the process of giving and receiving political benefits, as well as the waiting for reciprocity from the powerless people who have already surrendered their sovereign power to the politicians. The article also discusses the behavior of politicians who lack moral courage, seeking benefits from powerless people whom they used to prostrate themselves to for political support in the form of a social contract when their power was nearing extinction. These politicians often betray the promises they made to the people when in power, resorting to hidden elections and other tactics in order to gain power and reap benefits from the patronage system. Furthermore, they easily forget their selfishness and false promises, made through state programs and populist policies, even though civil society is fully aware of their deception. Despite this, civil society is also willing to be deceived by the drama of political illusion, when millionaire aristocrats and politicians bow down to the people in order to gain political power.

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How to Cite
Namgaew, P. S. ., & Srilah, K. (2023). The Promises Made by Populist Leaders who Claim to Represent the Powerless in Elections: The Promises Made by Populist Leaders who Claim to Represent the Powerless in Elections. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(1), 708–725. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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