Models for the Development of Operations of Operational Staff Damrongdhama Center in the Northeastern Region Models for the Development of Operations of Operational Staff Damrongdhama Center in the Northeastern Region

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Denphum Thadthaisong
Yupaporn Yupass
Phakdee Phosing


Government policy that wants to raise the efficiency of government service delivery by focusing on creating satisfaction for the people, therefore, developing the operations of the Damrongtham Center operators to be professional. and be able to solve the problems of the people directly and quickly. This research aims to study 1) the improvement of the service quality of the Damrongdhama Center staff, 2) factors affecting the development of operations. and confirming the prototype model for the operational development of the Damrongdhama Center operational staff. in the northeastern region The sample group consisted of 400 recipients of the service from the Damrongdhama Center operational staff with Taro Yamane formula. and random randomness The target group for the interview was 20 civil servants working in the Damrongdhama Center. The tool used was a questionnaire with a confidence interval between .670-.849. and/or allow respondents to specify their responses through online information (Google Form) and structured interviews, statistics obtained, basic statistics, relationship analysis statistics and multiple regression analysis statistics.

The results of the research revealed that 1) improving the service quality of the staff of the Damrongdhamma Center. Overall, the mean was at a moderate level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 3.30). service Authorities, duties, missions, laws, strategic plans, economic and social development plans Support from external agencies which was a significant predictor of 2.1) the concreteness of the service R2 = 51.5 2.2) the response to the complainant R2 = 52.8 and 2.3) the understanding of the service users R2 =.680 3) Figure Operational Development Model for Damrongdhamma Center Operational Officers in the Northeastern Region service Authorities, duties, missions, laws, strategic plans, economic and social development plans Support from external agencies In which the Minister of Experts opines that the format is appropriate as well.

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How to Cite
Thadthaisong , D., Yupass, Y., & Phosing, P. (2023). Models for the Development of Operations of Operational Staff Damrongdhama Center in the Northeastern Region: Models for the Development of Operations of Operational Staff Damrongdhama Center in the Northeastern Region. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 1–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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