Development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff in Technology for Teaching and Learning Bureau at Office of the Basic Education Commission Development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff in Technology for Teaching and Learning Bureau at Office of the Basic Education Commission

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Tana Lerdtana


The purposes of this study were to study the need of development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff in Technology for Teaching and Learning Bureau at Office of the Basic Education Commission and compared the need of development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff which were computer aspect, communication system aspect and network technology aspect. The sample used in this study was 52 educational staff. Tool use in this study was the 5-rating scale questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis were percentage, mean, standard deviation, F-test and Scheffe and the Pearson Product Moment Correlation.

The results of the research found that 1) The level of demand for the data collection needs of users of learning technology institutes under the control of basic education. In descending order, the most common step is the computer side, the second is the multimedia system, and the last is the network technology that allows it. 2) The overall results of the comparison of the level of needs for developing information technology skills were not different. and when considering side by side comparison educational personnel There was a significant difference in computer skills only at the .05 level.

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How to Cite
Lerdtana, T. (2023). Development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff in Technology for Teaching and Learning Bureau at Office of the Basic Education Commission: Development of Information Technology using skills of educational staff in Technology for Teaching and Learning Bureau at Office of the Basic Education Commission. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 168–180. Retrieved from
Research Article


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