Development a Training Course in Increasing the Value of Kluai Brek Taek for a Career in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province Development a Training Course in Increasing the Value of Kluai Brek Taek for a Career in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province

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Benchaporn Wannupatam
Suthiap La-ongthong
Wantanee Namsawat
Chaloemchai Charoenkiatkan
chatsaphon chanwongduen


          Kluai Brek Taek produced by people in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province There is no concrete logo and banana distribution channels, so if developing in that section will affect the value added to Kluai Brek Taek. The objectives of this research were to develop a training course, study the results of using the training course and study people’s satisfaction in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province toward the training course to increase the value of Kluai Brek Taek. The target group was 3 experts and 38 people in Don Arang Subdistrict. Tools were the training course, manual, assessment form for the logo creation on Kluai Brek Taek packaging, assessment form for creating a Facebook fan page to sell Kluai Brek Taek     and satisfaction assessment form. Statistics were percentage, mean, standard deviation and content analysis.

          The results of the research were as follows: 1) the training course consisted of 7 elements. 1) background and principles. In Thailand, bananas have been cultivated since ancient times to the present and were popular to eat bananas as food. It could be processed in various ways, including making Kluai Brek Taek. Meanwhile, people in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province brought bananas to make Kluai Brek Taek for a sale but still lacks value added by making the logo on packaging and making other selling methods, so the training course had been developed for people in the community. 2) the principles were to provide knowledge, understanding, skills, developing the logo on the packaging and creating a Facebook fan page to sell Kluai Brek Taek. 3) the objective is to provide people with knowledge, understanding, skills, developing the logo on the packaging and creating a Facebook fan page to sell Kluai Brek Taek. 4) the content is the development of broken banana packaging and Creation of banana distribution channels. 5) the structure of the course is time, content and total duration of 3 days. 6) organizing activities through lectures, discussions, practices, etc. 7) media/materials are course books, course manuals Training materials, slides, and 8) measurement and evaluation according to the objectives set and pass the criteria to a higher level. Logo evaluation results on the packaging of Kluai Brek Taek and creation of a Facebook fan page to sell Kluai Brek Taek for the overall was at the highest level. People in Don Arang Subdistrict satisfied with the training course for the overall was at the highest level.

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How to Cite
Wannupatam, B., La-ongthong, S., Namsawat, W., Charoenkiatkan, C. ., & chanwongduen, chatsaphon. (2023). Development a Training Course in Increasing the Value of Kluai Brek Taek for a Career in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province: Development a Training Course in Increasing the Value of Kluai Brek Taek for a Career in Don Arang Subdistrict, Buriram Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 272–285. retrieved from
Research Article


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