A Construction of the Learning Thai Language Diagnostic Test in Strand 5: Literature and Literary Works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon A Construction of the Learning Thai Language Diagnostic Test in Strand 5: Literature and Literary Works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon

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Jaturong Sodsen
Patcharin Chompuwiset


          The purposes of this research were 1) to construct the learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works 2) to assess the quality of the learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works 3) to find a norm of the learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works 4) to write a manual for using of the learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students. The sample consisted of 580 Matthayomsuksa 3 students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon in the second semester of the 2022 academic year selected by multi-stage random sampling. The research instruments were a test to investigate literary learning issues and the learning Thai language diagnostic test. The mean, percentage, standard deviation, content validity, index of difficulty, index of discrimination, reliability was used for data analysis.

          The findings of this research were as follows:

  1. The learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 students. The first test analysis was found that the value of the Index of Item Objective Congruence (IOC) was between 0.60 - 1.00. The second test analysis was found that 30 items in all three tests. The difficulty value of the items and the value of the discrimination were between 0.29 - 0.77 and 0.33 - 0.70 respectively. The reliability of the test was between 0.83 - 0.92.

  2. Summary of learning defects in Thai language on Strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 students. The causes of defects in learning Thai literature are discussed. The students' deficiencies in learning Thai literature as follows: Summaries the content of the literature, literary works and local literary works at even more difficult level. Analyze Thai way of life and values from the literature and literary works read. Summaries knowledge and the ideas from reading and apply them to real life. Memories the recitations prescribed and the verses with their interests.

  3. The norm of the learning Thai language diagnostic test on Strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 students. The result was found that the score of the learning Thai language diagnostic test on Strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 students was between T15 to T80.

  4. The manual for using of the learning Thai language diagnostic test in strand 5: literature and literary works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students. The components of the test manual were the definition of the test, the goal of establishing a diagnostic test, the structure of the diagnostic test, the quality of the diagnostic test, how to administer the test and score it.

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How to Cite
Sodsen, J., & Chompuwiset, P. (2023). A Construction of the Learning Thai Language Diagnostic Test in Strand 5: Literature and Literary Works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon: A Construction of the Learning Thai Language Diagnostic Test in Strand 5: Literature and Literary Works for Mathayomsuksa 3 Students under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office Sakon Nakhon. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 360–376. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/2966
Research Article


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