Creative Leadership Based on Yonisomanasikara of School Administrators Creative Leadership Based on Yonisomanasikara of School Administrators

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Banjong Lawalee


          This article aims to study the creative leadership according to the Yonisomasikara principal of school administrators. The study found that the creative leadership of school administrators is the leader who exhibits creative behavior and thinks thoroughly in various situations. and issues There is a process to solve problems in the current situation in a correct way. There is a process to solve problems that are clear and correct. Be a leader who is constantly learning, constantly evolving, and has a positive attitude towards the world and towards life. Believe in the worth and potential of yourself and others. have creative ideas Know how to use the crisis as an opportunity to manage people, manage money, and resources available at educational institutions. by relying on both external and internal factors to support each other The most important thing is to have good friends with colleagues. Or that is an external factor that will help strengthen the faith to happen in the right way. and to think in the right way by using methodical thinking based on wisdom and cover all relevant dimensions to develop right view that will lead people to behave in performing their duties by the principle of “Yonisomanasikara”, a thinking technique that is useful for educational institute administration. Able to use in thinking, planning in school administration, work, solving problems, helping in making decisions, analyzing, and following up on work plans. Emphasizing on 4 main concepts: thinking using various methods (Planning) right thinking to get to the truth, thinking in an orderly way. It is an episode in order of cause and effect. no confusion (Prima sikha), cause-and-effect thinking Find cause-and-effect relationships that result in a chain of consequences (Manikara) and goal-oriented thinking. Set results in advance to encourage yourself to accomplish your goals (Upadakamonasikarn).

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How to Cite
Lawalee, B. (2023). Creative Leadership Based on Yonisomanasikara of School Administrators: Creative Leadership Based on Yonisomanasikara of School Administrators. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 726–742. Retrieved from
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