Leadership Style of School Administrators Effective to Hing Performance Organization of Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 Leadership Style of School Administrators Effective to Hing Performance Organization of Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Chugkapong Maneerat
Boonchuay Sirikase


          Schools, as educational organizations, need to develop into high-performance organizations. Because the world in the 21st century is a dynamic world with rapid changes. Managers must use several leadership styles for each situation. in order to be able to perform missions to achieve the objectives effectively.

          The purposes of this research were to study 1) study compliance level of leadership style of school administrators in the schools under Loei primary educational service area  office 1, 2) study the level of the professional learning community in the schools in the schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1, 3) study the relationship between the leadership style of school administrators and the professional learning community in the schools in the schools under Loei primary educational service area  office 1, 4) Leadership style of school administrators effective to high performance organization of schools under loei primary educational service area office 1, and 5) create a predicative equation of the Leadership style of school administrators effective to high performance organization of schools under loei primary educational service area office 1. The sample was a group of 299 School Administrators’ and teachers in the schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1 in the academic year 2022. The research tool was a questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze data by frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient analysis, and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

          The results of the study revealed as follows: 1) Leadership style of school administrators in the schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1, both overall and individual aspects, were at the high level, 2) The high performance organization of schools under Loei primary educational service area office 1, both overall and individual aspects, was at the high level, 3) The leadership style of school administrators and high performance organization of schools under loei primary educational service area office 1 had a positive relationship with a high level at the .01 level of significance. 4) leadership style of school administrators as achievement - oriented leadership, supportive leadership and participative leadership, consideration could predict the high performance organization of schools under loei primary educational service area office 1 at the .01 5) achievement - oriented leadership, supportive leadership and participative leadership effective to high performance organization of schools under loei primary educational service area office 1. It could concurrently predict at 58.20%. The predictive equation could be written in form of standard scores as follow: = 0.273(x3) + 0.269(x4) + 0.225(x1)

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How to Cite
Maneerat, C., & Sirikase, B. (2023). Leadership Style of School Administrators Effective to Hing Performance Organization of Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1: Leadership Style of School Administrators Effective to Hing Performance Organization of Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 549–568. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/3275
Research Article


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