Educational Administration Based on the Four Principles of Educational Institution Administrators Affects the Teaching and Learning Activities of Teachers in the 21st Century of Schools Under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 Educational Administration Based on the Four Principles of Educational Institution Administrators Affects the Teaching and Learning Activities of Teachers in the 21st Century of Schools Under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2

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Phongphisut tevada
Boonchuay Sirikase


          The objectives of this research were to study 1) to study the management level using the principle of influence 4 of school administrators in schools under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 2) to study the level of learning management of teachers. 21st century in schools under the Office of the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 3) to study the relationship of the use of dominance 4 in educational administration and learning management of teachers in the 21st century in schools under the office of the area. Loei Primary Educational Service Area 2 4) to study the administrative factors according to the Principle of Influence 4 that affect learning management of teachers in the 21st century in schools under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 2 of school administrators. And 318 school teachers, which were obtained from the sample size table from Kerjcie and Morgan's table with 90% confidence. proportional (Proportional stratified random sampling) according to the district area of the school. The research tool was an estimation scale questionnaire. Statistics used to analyze data It consists of frequency and percentage, mean and standard deviation, Pearson's Product Moment Correlation Coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis.

          The results showed that

  1. Administration based on the principle of influence 4 of school administrators under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 were at a high level.

  2. The 21st century teacher's learning management of schools under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 was at a high level.

  3. The relationship between the management based on the principle of influence 4 of school administrators with learning management of teachers in the 21st century of schools under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 2 found that there was a positive relationship and a relationship in the same direction. There was a very high correlation coefficient equal to 0.629 with a statistical significance at the .01 level.

  4. Administration based on the principle of power 4 of school administrators That affects learning management of teachers in the 21st century of schools under the Office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2, it was found that all terms of school It was a variable that could predict learning management of teachers in the 21st century with a statistical significance at the .01 level, with a prediction efficiency of 0.405.

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How to Cite
tevada, P., & Sirikase, B. (2023). Educational Administration Based on the Four Principles of Educational Institution Administrators Affects the Teaching and Learning Activities of Teachers in the 21st Century of Schools Under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2: Educational Administration Based on the Four Principles of Educational Institution Administrators Affects the Teaching and Learning Activities of Teachers in the 21st Century of Schools Under the Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 619–636. Retrieved from
Research Article


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