Implimentation of Good Governance of Administrators in Schools Administrators Under Loei Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education Implimentation of Good Governance of Administrators in Schools Administrators Under Loei Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education

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Suphachai Thongsri
Prakrupaladchakkapol Siridharo


          Leading good governance used in Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education found that using good governance wasn’t in the plan and projects to operate for supporting administration and good governance process earnestly. The purposes of this research were (1) to study the level of teacher’s opinion toward applying good governance used in the school administration under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education, (2) to compare the level of teacher’s opinion toward leading good governance used in the school administration under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education following variable, gender, age, educational degree, work position and years of experience in work, and (3) to study the guideline in the development of applying the good governance used in the school administration under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education.

          The used sample in the study were administrators and teachers 170 people under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education working in academic year 2022. The research tools was a 5-level scales questionnaire with a confidence value of 0.986. The statistics used in this study was a basic statistic: 1. percentage 2. mean 3. standard deviation 4. t-test and f-test 6. the interview analysis of applying good governance used in the school administration.

          The results of the study were found that

  1. The teacher’s opinion toward applying good governance used in the school administration under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education was at highest level.

  2. The comparison of the level of teacher’s opinion toward leading good governance used in the school administration under Loei provincial office of the non-formal and informal education following variable, gender, age, educational degree, work position and years of experience in work did not differ statistically significant at the 0.05 level.

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How to Cite
Thongsri, S., & Siridharo, P. (2023). Implimentation of Good Governance of Administrators in Schools Administrators Under Loei Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education: Implimentation of Good Governance of Administrators in Schools Administrators Under Loei Provincial Office of the Non-formal and Informal Education. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 681–694. Retrieved from
Research Article


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