Relationship Between Participation of Teachers and Effectiveness of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1 Relationship Between Participation of Teachers and Effectiveness of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1

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Pronpirom Kaenti
Boonchuay Siriket


          Lack of efficiency in the administration of education is the centralization of power in the central too much. lack of participation the purposes of this research were to study 1) To study the level of teachers' participation in school administration. Under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 1 2) to study the level of school effectiveness Under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 1, 3) to study the relationship between teachers' participation in school administration and school effectiveness. Under the Office of Loei Primary Education Service Area 1. The sample were school administrators and teachers 306 people. The research tool was a 5-level scales questionnaire with a confidence value of .956. The instrument used in this study was questionnaires. The statistics used in the analysis are frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation and Pearson’ simple correlation coefficient.

          The results of the study revealed as follows:

  1. Teacher participation in school administration Under the Office of the Loei Primary Educational Service Area, Region 1, overall and each aspect had a high average level. by being able to rank the average from the highest to the lowest as follows: participation in the operation, followed by the participation in the benefits. Participation in decision-making and the aspect with the lowest mean was the aspect of participation in the evaluation, respectively.

  2. school effectiveness the educational institutes under the Office of Primary Educational Service Area, Loei District 1, overall and each side had overall averages at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that they were at a high level in all aspects. The aspect with the highest average was adaptation, followed by organizational mind. and the aspect with the lowest average was integration.

  3. Teacher participation in school administration and school effectiveness under the office of Loei Primary Educational Service Area 1 found that there was a positive relationship at a high level (r = .753) with statistical significance at the .01 level.

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How to Cite
Kaenti, P., & Siriket , B. (2023). Relationship Between Participation of Teachers and Effectiveness of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1: Relationship Between Participation of Teachers and Effectiveness of Schools Under Loei Primary Education Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(2), 712–725. Retrieved from
Research Article


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