The Development of Participatory Internal Quality Assurance Model for Educational Quality Improvement of Anuban Yasothon School Under the jurisdiction of Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1 The Development of Participatory Internal Quality Assurance Model for Educational Quality Improvement of Anuban Yasothon School Under the jurisdiction of Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Sukanda Kaeobuppha


          Anuban Yasothon School has the results of educational management because the students have low academic achievement in all learning subjects. The educational standards of the educational institution should be developed and raised to meet the educational standards. The objectives of this research are 1) to study basic information for model development 2) to create, develop and evaluate a quality assurance model 3) to trial the quality assurance model and 4) to evaluate the results of the trial of using a participatory internal quality assurance model to develop the educational quality of Anuban Yasothon School. Research tools include questionnaires, interviews, focus groups. Analyzed by descriptive statistics. and content analysis Create patterns with experts Experimenting with models with operations and evaluated by experts. The results of the research found that the Product Quality Cycle or the PDCA Cycle should be used to determine the participatory internal educational quality assurance model. The results of developing a participatory internal quality assurance model to develop the quality of education at Anuban Yasothon School are as follows: 1) Principles of the model It consists of principles of educational quality assurance and participation principles. 2) The objective of the model is to develop the quality of education at Anuban Yasothon School. 3) The work system/mechanism of the model is operated under the working system of Deming's quality cycle or the PDCA cycle 4. 4) The operation method/operation process of the model and 5) Conditions of the model leading to success are operating according to the King's science "principles of understanding, access, development". Schools must encourage teachers and personnel to perform their duties starting with an open mind. Explosive from within, creating knowledge, mutual understanding, developing skills in various tasks, as well as creating awareness of roles and responsibilities for teachers and school personnel and to participate in every step of the process The results of the model evaluation were at the highest level. The results of the evaluation of the model trial were at the highest level in every aspect and had higher educational outcomes.

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How to Cite
Kaeobuppha, S. (2023). The Development of Participatory Internal Quality Assurance Model for Educational Quality Improvement of Anuban Yasothon School Under the jurisdiction of Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1: The Development of Participatory Internal Quality Assurance Model for Educational Quality Improvement of Anuban Yasothon School Under the jurisdiction of Yasothon Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 45–62. Retrieved from
Research Article


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