Role of the elderly in the development of local wisdom According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, ThaMuang Sub-District Selaphum District, Roi Et Province Role of the elderly in the development of local wisdom According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, ThaMuang Sub-District Selaphum District, Roi Et Province

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Jirapon Barisri


          This research have a purpose 1) to study the role of the elderly in transferring local wisdom 2) to study the problems obstacles in the implementation of local wisdom transfer; and 3) To study the guidelines for the development of local wisdom according to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in ThaMuang Sub-district, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province The sample group used in this research was 12 elderly people living in ThaMuang Sub-district, Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. Use an in-depth interview form to collect data. The data were then analyzed, summarized and the results of the descriptive data were discussed.

          The results showed that

  1. The elderly have the transmission of local wisdom or the transfer of knowledge to the community. There are ways to transfer local wisdom that can enable the recipient to put the knowledge into practice. Because the practical method will make the recipient of the transmission understand each step more clearly.

  2. The relater does not have enough knowledge to carry out the transfer. Also, descendants or future generations have no interest in weaving. Lack of recipients to transmit wisdom if the times change. The environment is not conducive to the cultivation of rattan trees and bamboo houses, and the budget is not available.

  3. The elders in the community use their local wisdom to generate income for themselves and their families, such as weaving. Weaving, which is a profession that suits one's physical health and age.

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How to Cite
Barisri, J. (2023). Role of the elderly in the development of local wisdom According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, ThaMuang Sub-District Selaphum District, Roi Et Province: Role of the elderly in the development of local wisdom According to the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, ThaMuang Sub-District Selaphum District, Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 31–44. Retrieved from
Research Article


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