Thai Political Scene and Political Ethics Thai Political Scene and Political Ethics

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Phrakhruwapeedhammawiroj (Prasal Niwat)
Pichit Kalyawan
Somphong Galachack


          Political and administrative changes in Thai history from the Sukhothai period to the first Rattanakosin period have seen a concentration of political leadership within a group of high-ranking civil servants. Most people have had limited involvement in politics, resulting in civil servants and political elites benefiting unfairly through unethical practices, often neglecting the essential needs of the populace. Political parties have engaged in fierce competition to craft attractive political images and policies, aiming to capture the attention and trust of the people to gain political power. However, the current political landscape reflects a competitive dynamic in shaping policies and molding the image of political parties and politicians, akin to marketing political products. This is achieved through the utilization of communication techniques and political marketing strategies, often through populist policies aimed at engaging citizens. The discourse around politics has evolved from the traditional notion of “playing politics” to a newer concept of “political business”. Politicians present themselves in a friendly and service-oriented manner during campaigns, only to devalue their promises and credibility once in power. This shift highlights the importance of holding politicians accountable for their words and ensuring they fulfill their campaign pledges. Sadly, many politicians seem willing to betray public trust without regard for their social promises. Therefore, the regulation of political behavior must rely on impartial and sacred laws. Building moral courage and fostering strong political ethics among politicians is crucial. Encouraging political participation and enabling citizens from all sectors to scrutinize politicians through modern information technology is an alternative perspective for Thai society.

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How to Cite
Phrakhruwapeedhammawiroj (Prasal Niwat), Kalyawan, P. ., & Galachack, S. (2023). Thai Political Scene and Political Ethics: Thai Political Scene and Political Ethics. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 668–680. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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