A Study of the Local Community Kiln Production Wisdom at Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Sub-district, Phanom Phrai District Roi Et Province A Study of the Local Community Kiln Production Wisdom at Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Sub-district, Phanom Phrai District Roi Et Province

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Sirilak chiyarach
Aekachai Phromlee
Wiboonsak Sangsana
Tasaphon Srikhaow


          The purposes of this research are 1) to study the wisdom of kiln production in the local community of Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Subdistrict, Phanom Phrai District, Roi Et Province and 2) to study the problems and obstacles in the production of kilns in the local community of Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Subdistrict, Phanom District. Phrai, Roi Et Province This research is qualitative research. The population and sample of the research are Ban Non Muang Local Community Stove Production Group, Village No. 5, Na Nuan Subdistrict, Phanom Phrai District, Roi Et Province, totaling 10 people. The research instrument was a structured and semi-structured interview. Data were collected by personally interviewing samples in the research area. Data were analyzed using content analysis. The research results found that Ban Non Muang Local Community Stove Production Group We have learned and improved the local cooking stove production model until the present. Tried making a stove out of clay taken from “Huai Kak-Wak”, which is a clay soil rich in iron that has the property of being highly resistant to fire combustion, is located along the creek 3 kilometers west of the village. Developed into an energy-saving stove that can answer all needs and receive awards as an indicator of appropriate use and excellent design for making local community stoves.

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How to Cite
chiyarach, S., Phromlee, A., Sangsana, W., & Srikhaow, T. (2023). A Study of the Local Community Kiln Production Wisdom at Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Sub-district, Phanom Phrai District Roi Et Province: A Study of the Local Community Kiln Production Wisdom at Ban Non Muang, Na Nuan Sub-district, Phanom Phrai District Roi Et Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 183–193. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/3657
Research Article


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