THE The Educational Paradigm According to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in 2022 The Educational Paradigm According to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in 2022

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Phamahanoppatat Khantidhammo (Silakul)
Phraprajuk Kittisipano (Samart)
Phraparinya Anuttaro (Boonpeaw)


          The new educational paradigm continuously generates new knowledge, necessitating a lifelong learning approach. Particularly, adapting to the evolving global context requires education management technologies that align with the changing world. Current education curricula tend to emphasize shorter learning periods. Therefore, technology plays a crucial role in shaping education in the 21st century. The emerging trend in education is centered around fostering creative thinking skills, strengthening technological competencies, and utilizing media and information systems for educational management. Teachers must incorporate technology and information resources as teaching aids to swiftly reach a large number of learners. Moreover, they should consider real-world contexts and collaborative interdisciplinary teaching through project-based learning. Developing problem-solving skills and using appropriate assessment tools are also essential components of this evolving approach. This shift aims to steer society towards sustainable and joyful development. The Thai education system requires a transformation from traditional educational paradigms towards new management systems. The new educational paradigm necessitates the preparation of Thai teachers for the 21st century, including digital technology skills to enhance the efficiency of learning in the digital age and elevate the quality of education in Thailand.

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How to Cite
Phamahanoppatat Khantidhammo (Silakul), Phraprajuk Kittisipano (Samart), & Phraparinya Anuttaro (Boonpeaw). (2023). THE The Educational Paradigm According to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in 2022: The Educational Paradigm According to the Thai Qualifications Framework for Higher Education in 2022. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 729–744. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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