Factors Effective Happiness at Work of Teachers in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 Factors Effective Happiness at Work of Teachers in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3

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Keeratikorn Supaphom
Chakgrit Podapol


To be happy in the work of teachers, administrators must provide support in the work of the organization. To stimulate good interaction between co-workers These things contribute to the efficient functioning of the organization. This research aimed: 1) to investigate the happiness level at work of teachers, 2) to describe the factors affecting the happiness at work of teachers, 3) to explore the relationship between the happiness and the factors affecting the happiness at work of teachers, 4) to find out the factors affecting the happiness at work of teachers, 5) to construct the predictive equation of the factors affecting the happiness at work of teachers. The research samples comprised of 207 teachers under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. The research instrument used for data collection was a rating scale questionnaire which earned data were analyzed by using frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Pearson’ s product moment correlation coefficient and multiple regression analysis. The enter method was used for the selection the statistically significant variables and then constructed the variables for predictive education by the stepwise method.

The results of the study revealed as follows: 1) The overall aspect of teacher’s happiness at work was distinctly found at a high level. 2) The highest mean of the factors affecting the teacher’s happiness was distinctly found at a high level. 3) The teachers’ work happiness was positively correlated with the factors affecting the teachers’ work happiness at a positive relationship with a high level at the .01 level of significance. 4) The factors affecting work happiness of teachers under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3 with the statistical significance at .01 level were the relationship at Social Relationship (X2), Core Job Dimension (X1), and Working Environment (X3) respectively. 5) The results of the stepwise multiple regression analysis can be written as an equation as follows:

Equation in raw score. =gif.latex?Y\hat{} 1.563 + 0.305(x2) + 0.173(x1) + 0.164(x3)

The forecast of the variance. gif.latex?Z\hat{}= 0.388(x2) + 0.211(x1) + 0.210(x3)

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How to Cite
Supaphom, K., & Podapol, C. (2023). Factors Effective Happiness at Work of Teachers in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3: Factors Effective Happiness at Work of Teachers in Schools Under Loei Primary Educational Service Area Office 3. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 226–242. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/3759
Research Article


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