A Study of Drug Prevention Guidelines for Youth in Ban Hua Mueang Community, Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Maha Chanachai District, Yasothon Province A Study of Drug Prevention Guidelines for Youth in Ban Hua Mueang Community, Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Maha Chanachai District, Yasothon Province

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Awisara Sakaew
Thaiyawan Kutanon
Suphaphorn Saengphet
Wilai Nawathit
Sanook Singmatr
Wiphaphun Ubpanisakorn


           The drug problem is a national problem and every party must try to find a way to help solve the problem. Whether it is the government sector Private sector or civil society The purposes of this research article are 1) to study the perception of drug prevention among youth of Ban Hua Mueang community 2) to study problems and obstacles in drug prevention among youth of Ban Hua Mueang community, Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Maha Chanachai District. Yasothon Province This research is mixed methods research. The target population and sample are 20 youth representatives from the community, Village No. 1,8,9. The research tool is a questionnaire. The statistics used for analysis are basic statistics consisting of frequency distribution (Frequency) and percentage (Percentage). The results of the research found that 1. The results of the study of knowledge about drugs in terms of the three types of drugs that friends had used the most were amphetamine, kratom, and thinner/glue, respectively. 2. Awareness of activities. The top 3 that promote the prevention of youth drug problems the most are sports activities, morality and ethics camps. and activities to build family relationships As for problems and obstacles in drug prevention, they include the lack of seriousness of government officials who are not strictly strict in solving drug problems in the area. Having strict laws makes drug dealers fearless. As well as community leaders, they should turn their attention to youth more than ever before.

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How to Cite
Sakaew, A., Kutanon, T., Saengphet, S., Nawathit, W., Singmatr, S., & Ubpanisakorn, W. (2023). A Study of Drug Prevention Guidelines for Youth in Ban Hua Mueang Community, Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Maha Chanachai District, Yasothon Province: A Study of Drug Prevention Guidelines for Youth in Ban Hua Mueang Community, Hua Mueang Subdistrict, Maha Chanachai District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 372–381. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/3789
Research Article


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