The Development of Cooperation Pattern in the Teacher’s Professional Experience Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University The Development of Cooperation Pattern in the Teacher’s Professional Experience Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University

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Rungrat Mathai
Jutamas Srijumnong
Nattakarn Anantrawan
Somyong Seekhao
Rabiab Choosorn
Nantaporn Kongphuwat
Kanokporn Promsuwan
Siriwan Ridnok
Sakultra Namwong


          The objectives of this research are: 1) Develop a collaborative model for teacher professional experience training. Bachelor of Education Program (4 years), Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University. 2) Study the effect of using the cooperation model on student performance. The research has 4 phases: Phase 1: Study of documents, theories, and related research. Survey of problem conditions. Phase 2: Creating a model and examining the elements of the collaborative network. Phase 3: Model trial and phase 4 evaluates the use of the model in schools. The sample size include: 1) 15 schools in the teacher professional training network there are a total of 243 students practicing teaching professional experience. 2) Administrators, mentor teachers in schools in the experience training network 3) Supervising teachers. The research tools used were 1) a focus group recording form. 2) Questionnaire of expert opinions regarding usefulness possibility Suitability and correctness of the format. 3) Student competency assessment form Teacher professional experience training. Statistics used in data analysis are percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

            The results of the research showed that the development of a collaborative patterns in the teacher's professional experience consisted of six stages: 1) realization of the need for networking, 2) coordination of networking agencies, 3) joint alliance-building, 4) network management, 5) relationship development, 6) continuous relationship-keeping. The evaluation found that the cooperative patterns in the teacher's professional experience, in the opinion of the management, was at the most inclusive level (gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.69, S.D. = 0.38). This showed that students who trained teachers' experience in co-production institutions that were the target group of the research were more efficient. The teacher's career experience level was better.

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How to Cite
Mathai, R., Srijumnong, J., Anantrawan , N., Seekhao, S., Choosorn, R., Kongphuwat, N., Promsuwan, K., Ridnok, S., & Namwong, S. (2023). The Development of Cooperation Pattern in the Teacher’s Professional Experience Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University: The Development of Cooperation Pattern in the Teacher’s Professional Experience Faculty of Education, Loei Rajabhat University. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 328–340. Retrieved from
Research Article


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