Improving the Quality of Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy Improving the Quality of Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy

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Dacha Jandaphun
Jarerat Chatsahga
Sanook Singmatr


          As teachers and educational personnel face serious debt problems. The author therefore aims to present a solution to this problem for teachers and educational personnel. This is because teachers and educational personnel are persons who have been hired and appointed under this Act to serve in government service and receive a salary from the national budget. Currently facing debt problems as well as other expenses that is so burdensome that it is unable to work at full efficiency. The proposed solution is that teachers or educational personnel should embrace the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy to direct their lives to be consistent with the reality of the situation at all three levels, he said is level 1) quality of life according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy at the level of having enough to live on, level 2) Quality of life according to the philosophy of sufficiency economy at the level of living well, level 3) Quality of life according to the philosophy of Sufficiency Economy at the level of wealth and happiness. To enable teachers and educational personnel to develop and enhance the quality of life mentally and socially, economic conditions, learning technology and preserving natural resources and the environment. As well as helping to maintain the village/community to develop sustainably and continue investing in the community, starting with oneself, family, community, and the nation.

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How to Cite
Jandaphun, D., Chatsahga, J., & Singmatr, S. (2023). Improving the Quality of Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy: Improving the Quality of Life of Teachers and Educational Personnel with the Philosophy of Sufficiency Economy. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 640–651. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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