Teamwork Affecting the Quality Management Throughout the Organization of Hat Yai City Municipality, Songkhla Province Teamwork Affecting the Quality Management Throughout the Organization of Hat Yai City Municipality, Songkhla Province

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Natrin Petchmee
Wanwipha Tailangka
Pongsak Phetsatit
Nirun Piromlapa


          Teamwork is a very important element for achieving success because the diverse experiences will create new innovations in the organization. This research aimed 1) to study the level of teamwork and level of quality management throughout the organization of Hat Yai municipality in Songkhla Province and 2) to study factors of teamwork that affect to quality management throughout the organization of Hat Yai municipality in Songkhla Province. The sample group that used in this research were 105 people of administrators who work under Hat Yai municipality in Songkhla Province. Statistics used for analyzed data were mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis: MRA by enter all variables into regression.

          The results found that 1) level of teamwork of Hat Yai City Municipality in overall picture is at a high level. Working as team in trusting each other is at a high level, and quality management throughout the organization in overall picture is at the highest level by the management focuses on giving an important to both internal and external customers is at the highest level. And 2) working in team affecting the quality management throughout the organization of Hat Yai City municipality in Songkhla province, by orderly are as follow, trust each other (x1), respect (x2), team goals (x3), communication (x4), and interaction (x5). They can together predict quality management throughout the organization at 53.50%, can be write as a prediction equation in standard score form as

              gif.latex?Z\hat{} y = 0.331x1 + 0.437x2 – 0.125x3 – 0.056x4 + 0.239x5

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How to Cite
Petchmee, N., Tailangka, W., Phetsatit, P., & Piromlapa, N. (2023). Teamwork Affecting the Quality Management Throughout the Organization of Hat Yai City Municipality, Songkhla Province: Teamwork Affecting the Quality Management Throughout the Organization of Hat Yai City Municipality, Songkhla Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 382–396. Retrieved from
Research Article


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