Organization Management Affecting the High Performance Organization of the Department of Central Highways Organization Management Affecting the High Performance Organization of the Department of Central Highways

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Songphob Benjatepanun
Wanwipha Tailangka
Pongsak Phetsatit
Parinya Charunrochana


          Developing the organization with high performance is management challenges for internally and externally changes and trends with high competition.  Public sector, therefore, try to find out the ways to survive in creating quality criteria for public administration in order to evaluate organizations. This research aimed to study the level of organizational management and high performance organization of the Central Department of Highways. And to study factor of organization management that affects the high performance organization of the Central Highways Department. The sample group that used in this research were 220 people of corporate executives under the department of Central Highways. Statistics used for analyzed data were mean, standard deviation, Pearson’s product moment correlation coefficient and Multiple Regression Analysis: MRA by enter all variables into regression.

          The results found that 1) The Department of Central Highways have organizational management in overall picture is at a highest level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.37, S.D. = 0.731) especially giving importance to stakeholders is at a highest level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.78, S.D. = 0.666). And being a high performance organization in overall picture is at a high level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.19, S.D. = 0.756) especially structure and flexible work system is at a highest level ( gif.latex?x\bar{}= 4.68, S.D. = 0.609). And 2) Organization management affecting the high performance organization of the Department of Central Highways, by orderly are as follow, giving importance to stakeholders (x1), process management (x2), operational results(x3), strategic planning(x4), organizational leadership (x5), measurement analysis and knowledge management (x6), and focus on human resource (x7). They can together predict quality management throughout the organization at 62.20%, can be write as a prediction equation in standard score form as

               gif.latex?Z\hat{}y = -0.147x1 + 0.437x2 + 0.553x3 – 0.186x4 + 0.333x5 + 0.408x6 + 0.269x7

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How to Cite
Benjatepanun, S., Tailangka, W., Phetsatit, P., & Charunrochana, P. (2023). Organization Management Affecting the High Performance Organization of the Department of Central Highways: Organization Management Affecting the High Performance Organization of the Department of Central Highways. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 488–502. Retrieved from
Research Article


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