Development of Components and Indicators for Deciding on the Selection of Provincial Administrative Organization Members. Of the People in the Northeastern Region Development of Components and Indicators for Deciding on the Selection of Provincial Administrative Organization Members. Of the People in the Northeastern Region

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Thanrat Sujaree
Yupaporn Yupass
Phakdee Phosing


          This study was to investigate survey elements and indicators. Deciding on the selection of Provincial Administrative Organization members by the people To create and examine a model of elements and indicators for people's selection of Provincial Administrative Organization members. and to confirm the consistency and harmony of the model. Composition and indicators Deciding on the selection of Provincial Administrative Organization members by the people in the central northeastern region The population and sample were 400 people using a simple random sampling method. The obtained statistics included exploratory factor analysis statistics and confirmatory factor analysis statistics. The results of the study found that 1) Components and indicators surveying the decision to select Provincial Administrative Organization members found 7 elements and 56 indicators, including characteristics of candidates. Group or political party Element weight range In terms of campaigning methods for election candidates Element weight range elements that In terms of campaign media and media of people who influence decision-making elements that Personal relationship with the applicant elements that The exchange of benefits elements that Policy aspects of the candidates 2) Affirmative elements Model for measuring the decision to select Provincial Administrative Organization members. The index values used to check the validity of the model were gif.latex?x^{2}= 12685.21, df = 1477, gif.latex?x^{2}/df = 8.588, p - Value = 0.06, CFI = 0.90, GFI = 0.56, AGFI = 0.52, RMSEA= 0.11, SRMR = 0.18 3) Creating and confirming the measurement model was found to be Deciding on the selection of Provincial Administrative Organization members Experts attach great importance to the use of new media, especially determining important content about the characteristics of election candidates to present through online social networking media. which influences people's decision to select Provincial Administrative Organization members.

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How to Cite
Sujaree, T., Yupass, Y., & Phosing, P. (2023). Development of Components and Indicators for Deciding on the Selection of Provincial Administrative Organization Members. Of the People in the Northeastern Region: Development of Components and Indicators for Deciding on the Selection of Provincial Administrative Organization Members. Of the People in the Northeastern Region. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 427–445. Retrieved from
Research Article


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