The Satisfaction of the Public with the Management of the Prevention and Mitigation network in the Disaster-Prone Area, Zone 13, in the Province of Roi Et The Satisfaction of the Public with the Management of the Prevention and Mitigation network in the Disaster-Prone Area, Zone 13, in the Province of Roi Et

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Sommai Asakit
Saraphon Sattruphai
Sutphirat Bunleh
Wichai Sreesaket
Phrakhru Pariyatiworamethi


          The objectives of this research study are: 1) to study the level of satisfaction with network management in the area of disaster prevention and relief. 2) Study the problems and suggestions of service recipients regarding network management in the area of disaster prevention and relief. 3) Find guidelines for developing network management for disaster prevention and relief. Quantitative research Sample group: 397 people. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire. Statistics used in data analysis include percentage, mean, and standard deviation.

          The results of the research showed that the public was satisfied with the management of the disaster prevention and mitigation network by the 13th Zone Group, Roi Et Province. The average value at (gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.38, S.D.= 0.29) when considered separately by aspect, was found to be very satisfactory in all 4 aspects. Highest satisfaction Average at (gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.49, S.D. = 0.37), followed by process and procedure Average at (gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.39, S.D.= 0.42) Victim Rehabilitation Average value at (gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.34, S.D.= 0.37) and staff and personnel Average value at level (gif.latex?x\bar{}=4.34, S.D.= 0.35). Recommendations on Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Network Management In the 13th Zone Group, Roi Et Province, Process and Procedure When a disaster occurs, the officer should immediately report to the supervisor. Communication channels Officials should coordinate with network agencies as soon as possible and network incidents should be responded to quickly. Officials and personnel should coordinate with local authorities to be aware of the situation together. Reporting to the Incident Commander for proper command consideration and rehabilitation of victims. Victims should be informed of the immediate approach to assistance.

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How to Cite
Asakit, S., Sattruphai, S., Bunleh, S. ., Sreesaket, W., & Phrakhru Pariyatiworamethi. (2023). The Satisfaction of the Public with the Management of the Prevention and Mitigation network in the Disaster-Prone Area, Zone 13, in the Province of Roi Et: The Satisfaction of the Public with the Management of the Prevention and Mitigation network in the Disaster-Prone Area, Zone 13, in the Province of Roi Et. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 473–487. Retrieved from
Research Article


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