Development of Components and Management Indicators of Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department in the Northeast Development of Components and Management Indicators of Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department in the Northeast

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Phrakhru Suraphon Faengmueangkhuk
Phakdee Phosing
Sanya Kenaphoom


          This research is for the management level of personnel at Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department, in the northeastern region. To study the elements and management indicators of modern school administrators. Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department, Northeastern Region and to confirm the management model of modern school administrators. Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department in the northeast The combined methods study method was used. The population included administrators, officers, and personnel of Phrapariyattham School. The research tools used include questionnaires. Statistics used include basic statistics and compositional analysis statistics and survey indicators. The results of the study found that 1) survey components and indicators Management style of modern school administrators Phrapariyattham School has 6 components, 22 indicators, with positive values and statistical significance at the .05 level. Confirmatory component examination results. Harmony and harmony of the second model, the second-highest management style of modern school administrators. It appears that the chi-square value ( X2) = 591.63 (df) = 63 (p-value) = 0.06 (GFI) = 0.95 (AGFI) = 0.82 (CFI) = 0.95 (SRMR) = 0.039 (RMSEA) = 0.077 is shown. that the management model of modern school administrators that was created was in good agreement with the empirical data. 2) The important predictor equations of The management style of modern school administrators, YT, includes organizational management characteristics x4, teaching and learning conditions x1, characteristics of using the principles of the model x3, with paths of influence predicting or having predictive weight, beta value (ß) .555. , .171 and .110 respectively, with an overall prediction of 54.8 percent and 3) Summary of confirmation of the model of management style of personnel of Phrapariyattidhamma School in the modern era, consisting of: Dimension of learning standards assessment Dimension of creating learning personnel The participation dimension is commitment and determination. Dimension of awareness creation and knowledge development Dimension of evaluation of overall survey, etc.

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How to Cite
Phrakhru Suraphon Faengmueangkhuk, Phosing, P., & Kenaphoom, S. (2023). Development of Components and Management Indicators of Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department in the Northeast: Development of Components and Management Indicators of Phrapariyattham School, General Education Department in the Northeast. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 519–537. Retrieved from
Research Article


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