Model for Developing Administrative Competencies of Mayors of Sub-district Municipalities in the Northeastern Region Model for Developing Administrative Competencies of Mayors of Sub-district Municipalities in the Northeastern Region

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Wichai Sreesaket
Saovalak Kosonkittiumporn
Sanya Kenaphoom


The administrative problem of sub-district municipalities in the Northeast still lacks strategic management. Strategic management operations are still inconsistent with the principles, concepts, and theories of strategic management for sustainable development. There was an inappropriate strategy implemented. both transforming strategies into practice Including using the leadership of the mayor of the subdistrict municipality. Personnel's ability to perform their duties is not good enough. Lack of high professional standards of work There is still a lack of implementation of the competency management system, including recruitment and personnel selection. performance evaluation Personnel development and compensation. The objectives of this research are 1) study the level of administrative competency of mayors of subdistrict municipalities 2) to study factors affecting the development of administrative competencies of mayors of subdistrict municipalities 3) To create and confirm a model for developing the administrative competencies of mayors of sub-district municipalities. The sample group was the president of the local government organization of the subdistrict municipality. In the northeastern region, there were 360 ​​people. The tool used was a rating scale questionnaire. Data were analyzed using average values. standard deviation and structural equation model analysis. The results of the research found that 1) the level of administrative competency of mayors of sub-district municipalities in the northeastern region Overall, it was at the highest level (  = 4.57). 2) Factors affecting the development of administrative competencies of the mayors of subdistrict municipalities. In the northeastern region, these include factors in the potential of public sector management. Factors in achievement motivation and strategic management factors. All three variables together can explain variation in mayors' administrative performance. 95.20% correct (R2 = 0.952) 3) Model for developing the administrative competencies of mayors of sub-district municipalities in the Northeast, consisting of a model for developing administrative competencies. Potential of public sector management Achievement motivation and strategic management the results confirm the model for developing the administrative competency of mayors of sub-district municipalities in the northeastern region. at the highest level and has a consistency value Interquartile less than 1.5 for all approaches. The format is appropriate at a high level. The results of creating a model for developing the administrative competency of mayors of sub-district municipalities in the Northeast found that the model for developing administrative competency includes leadership development, good governance, morality, ethics, and compliance with legal regulations. strategic planning Interpersonal relations Listening to problems and giving advice teamwork Creating values ​​in the organization to create unity self control Dealing with various situations, analyzing, distinguishing, managing problems, teaching, and delegating work. and counseling assistance.

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How to Cite
Sreesaket, W., Kosonkittiumporn, S., & Kenaphoom, S. (2024). Model for Developing Administrative Competencies of Mayors of Sub-district Municipalities in the Northeastern Region: Model for Developing Administrative Competencies of Mayors of Sub-district Municipalities in the Northeastern Region. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 79–95. Retrieved from
Research Article


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