Modern Management Model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region Modern Management Model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region

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Angkarat Detwattanayotin
Yupaporn Yupas


The objectives of this research are 1) to study the modern management level of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region 2) to study factors influencing modern management of sub-district Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region and 3) to create and confirm a modern management model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region The study consisted of 3 steps: Step 1: Study of the modern management level of Subdistrict Administrative Organizations in the Northeastern Region. Step 2: Studying the factors influencing the modern management of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeast Region. Step 3: Creating and confirming the modern management model of the Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region.

          The research results found that

  1. Modern management of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern region, overall, operations are at the highest level.

  2. Study of factors influencing modern management of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region, it was found that the factors of good governance in organizations. The weight of the observed variables is between 0.74-0.92. Organizational management factors. The weight of the observed variables is between 0.67-0.89. Modern leadership factors of executives. The weight of the observed variables is between 0.87-0.93.
    Civil political factors. The weight of the observed variables is between 0.79-0.98. Modern management factors. The weight of the observed variables is between 0.86-0.96.

  3. Creation and confirmation of the modern management model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region. It was found that the modern management model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region consists of: 1) Organizational management of environmental factors. External includes (1) modern management (2) civic politics, 2) Organizational management, internal factors include (1) organizational management, (2) good governance in the organization, (3) modern leadership of executives, and (4) success tools, 3) conditions and limitations in Modern management includes (1) organizational management of external environmental factors, (2) organizational management of internal factors, and (3) achieving goals. Confirming the modern management model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region, it was found that the overall picture was appropriate at the highest level and has the highest level of possibility.

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How to Cite
Detwattanayotin, A., & Yupas, Y. (2024). Modern Management Model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region: Modern Management Model of the Subdistrict Administrative Organization in the Northeastern Region. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 127–142. Retrieved from
Research Article


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