The Reimagining Teaching and Learning Development University Mission and Navigating the Thai Education Crisis in the 4.0 Era The Reimagining Teaching and Learning Development University Mission and Navigating the Thai Education Crisis in the 4.0 Era

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Pannaphong Wongnasri
Pramethiwachiraphirat (Dhammarat Yothkun)


The educational philosophy of Thailand is a blend of Western ideas and Buddhist principles with a long history of education. Education is seen as a process of learning to develop and enhance individuals' skills to lead a peaceful and happy life. It emphasizes the pursuit of knowledge as a means to improve the quality of life, acquire vocational skills, respect the law, appreciate the value of arts and culture, uphold national traditions, and be prepared to face various challenges. Moreover, education in the era of Thailand 4.0 goes beyond preparing individuals or imparting knowledge to them; it aims to develop fully functioning human beings. Factors influencing Education 4.0 management under the 21st century educational paradigm include leadership qualities, strategic management, personnel management, curriculum design, learning management, and conducive learning environments. Therefore, managing education in universities requires both science and art. School administrators are crucial variables in achieving the objectives outlined in every edition of the National Education Act, and the most significant goal is to foster students who are good, talented, and happy. However, this is not an easy task; it demonstrates the potential of school administrators to overcome these challenges.

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How to Cite
Wongnasri, P., & (Dhammarat Yothkun), P. . (2024). The Reimagining Teaching and Learning Development University Mission and Navigating the Thai Education Crisis in the 4.0 Era: The Reimagining Teaching and Learning Development University Mission and Navigating the Thai Education Crisis in the 4.0 Era. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 611–625. retrieved from
Academic Article


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