The Potential of Future Educators: Enhancing Teaching Practice Experience The Potential of Future Educators: Enhancing Teaching Practice Experience

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Phramaha Jirayuth Payako (Murachiwa)


This article aims to reflect on the context of the global crisis, societal crises, and the humanitarian crisis in a complex and rapidly changing world. Influences and ubiquity from rapid global changes through the waves of globalization and the development of technology have led to widespread awareness and adaptability to unforeseen events in the modern world, often referred to as "VUCA" phenomena. The development of human resources is a crucial challenge in navigating the current and future world. Educational personnel must confront challenging tasks in developing teaching methods that instill adaptability to unforeseen changes. Therefore, it is imperative to develop various learning processes and redefine roles that no longer centralize learning into a single entity. Self-directed learning and internal wisdom are essential qualities for individuals in every era. The survival and future of Thai education in the face of global events require transformations to cope with the current and imminent crises. Three main strategies collectively contribute to this transformation. The first is holistic learning, the second is learning towards change, and the third is collaborative networked learning. Teaching is a profession that requires both science and art. The scientific aspect of the profession's knowledge can be acquired from various curricula and media. The art of the teaching profession involves translating this knowledge into practice. Teachers need practical skills to make their teaching effective. The production of teacher graduates involves incorporating the professional science and teaching art into the curriculum, as outlined by the standards of the Ministry of Education and the Teacher's Council. Institutions producing teacher graduates prioritize practical training from the early years to the final year of study. This includes a professional experience of no less than one year and practical experience before teaching practice. The process of professional experience for teacher students is a crucial component in producing high-quality graduates that positively impact the quality of education in the country.

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How to Cite
(Murachiwa), P. J. P. . (2024). The Potential of Future Educators: Enhancing Teaching Practice Experience: The Potential of Future Educators: Enhancing Teaching Practice Experience. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 655–670. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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