The Achievements and Guidelines for Developing Teaching and Learning Management via Online System During the COVID-19 Situation of Mahamakut Buddhist University Yasothon Buddhist Callage Achievements and Guidelines for Developing Teaching and Learning Management via Online System During the COVID-19 Situation of Mahamakut Buddhist University Yasothon Buddhist Callage

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kanta srilah
Wipat Thestham


          This research aims to investigate satisfaction levels and instructional management approaches through online learning during the COVID-19 pandemic. It also seeks to assess the effectiveness of online instructional management and compare self-learning outcomes before and after utilizing online systems at the undergraduate level in Mahamakut Buddhist University Yasothon Buddhist College. This research employs a mixed-methods approach. The quantitative study used data from 261 people, and the qualitative study used data from 40 people. The research utilized questionnaires, group discussions, and in-depth interviews as research tools. Data analysis involved inferential statistics, including percentages, mean values (gif.latex?\mu), standard deviations (gif.latex?\sigma), checking for the range of scores, conducting t-tests, examining degrees of freedom (df), and determining significance values (Sig). The statistical analysis was performed using a pre-existing computer program. Qualitative data analysis included interpretation, analysis, synthesis, and explanation of findings through content analysis.

          The research findings reveal that satisfaction with online instructional management during the COVID-19 situation is generally high (gif.latex?\mu= 3.44, gif.latex?\sigma= 1.85). The development directions for online instructional management can be reflected through the ability to observe, categorize, compare, and classify various environmental elements around oneself, as well as language proficiency, numeracy, knowledge, understanding of the environment, and experiences of various kinds. The educational management effectiveness should aim to foster individuals, create job opportunities, and contribute to the nation through an integrated and comprehensive education. Furthermore, it should aim to support and fund Thai intellectual resources and global intellectual resources. Additionally, there should be a focus on the impact on learners and efforts to elevate the workforce to a high-quality level through the development and cultivation of intellectual individuals. This intellectual development is categorized into two levels: namely Prachamethee and Prachayathibodi. Comparing self-learning ability before and after using online system, and comparing learning outcomes before and after using the online system, it was found that the learning effectiveness after using the online system (gif.latex?\mu= 74.86, gif.latex?\sigma= 5.97) was significantly higher than before learning (gif.latex?\mu = 60.64, gif.latex?\sigma= 5.24) at a statistically significant level of .05

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How to Cite
srilah, kanta, Thestham, W., & Phrakhruprasitseerakuna. (2023). The Achievements and Guidelines for Developing Teaching and Learning Management via Online System During the COVID-19 Situation of Mahamakut Buddhist University Yasothon Buddhist Callage: Achievements and Guidelines for Developing Teaching and Learning Management via Online System During the COVID-19 Situation of Mahamakut Buddhist University Yasothon Buddhist Callage. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 5(3), 600–616. Retrieved from
Research Article


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