Motivation factors affecting the work efficiency of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Attorney's Office. Under the Office of the Prosecutor, Region 4 Motivation factors affecting the work efficiency of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Attorney's Office. Under the Office of the Prosecutor, Region 4

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Siriphan Pimda
Sanya Kenaphoom
Saowalak Kosonkittiumporn


          This research study have a purpose To study the level of efficiency in the work of administrative officials in the Provincial Attorney's Office. Under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office, Region 4, to study the motivation factors affecting the performance of the administrative civil servants of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office, Region 4, and suggestions regarding motivation factors that affect the efficiency of work of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Under the jurisdiction of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office Region 4, the sample group was administrative officials of the Provincial Prosecutor's Office. Under the Office of the Prosecutor, Region 4, there were 153 people. Statistics used in data analysis included mean, standard deviation. Motivation factors affecting work efficiency were analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. The research results found that 1) work efficiency level Overall, it is at a high level. 2) Motivation factors that affect the efficiency in the work of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Attorney's Office. Under the Office of the Public Prosecutor Region 4, they include job security factors (Beta = .363), responsibility factors (Beta = .280), policy and administration factors (Beta = .244), and success factors (Beta = .106) of work together they can predict 77.20 percent with statistical significance at the .05 level and 3) Other suggestions include training to provide knowledge and ability in administrative work. Including related laws An organizational culture that is conducive to the development of administrative officials should be created, such as creating a working atmosphere that is conducive to learning. Giving awards to administrative officials who perform outstanding work Challenging tasks should be assigned to create new experiences. People should be used to match important missions. Work should be divided among teams and jointly perform duties to the best of their ability. Support everyone to develop themselves in order to progress along their career path. Welfare should be arranged and received appropriately. Commanders should be friendly towards their subordinates. There are activities to meet and socialize on occasion. There are workshop activities to exchange and transfer knowledge from experienced people.

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How to Cite
Pimda , S., Kenaphoom, S., & Kosonkittiumporn, S. (2024). Motivation factors affecting the work efficiency of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Attorney’s Office. Under the Office of the Prosecutor, Region 4: Motivation factors affecting the work efficiency of administrative civil servants in the Provincial Attorney’s Office. Under the Office of the Prosecutor, Region 4. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 517–531. Retrieved from
Research Article


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