-Community Participation in Drug Prevention and Surveillance. Case Study: Ban Kut Sathien Sang Ming Subdistrict Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province Community Participation in Drug Prevention and Surveillance. Case Study: Ban Kut Sathien Sang Ming Subdistrict Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province

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Wisanu Khotwicha
Kreangkrai Boonprachong
Chanphan Sichompoo
Sanook Singmat


This research has the objective are 1. To study the problem and monitor the drug problem in Ban Kut Sathian. Sang Ming Subdistrict Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province 2. To propose solutions to the drug problem in Ban Kut Sathian, Sang Ming Subdistrict. Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province is a qualitative research design. There were 10 key informants. Data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews with key informants. The results of the study found that communities and families had knowledge and understanding. Have a good attitude towards prevention and treatment and participate in every step. and formed a network of partners operating under the principles of family and community participation and networks with the immune system mechanism and promote community social ecology Family participation in treatment Using families and communities in voluntary participatory therapy, rehabilitation and follow-up. It is carried out in the form of a community drug prevention and surveillance committee selected from all sectors. which has steps to prevent and monitor drugs There are 5 steps to solving the drug problem: 1) creating participation of families and communities in joint thinking, 2) planning operations with participation in decision-making by families and communities, 3) treating drug addicts according to Flexible guidelines according to the right to reveal one's identity 4) Participate in monitoring and evaluating and exchanging experiences. Provide encouragement and strengthen and 5) long-term care after treatment Using the process of sharing benefits with forgiveness Give it a chance to love and care. As for the recommendations found, they include: 1. A network and information exchange mechanism should be created between relevant agencies at the local level, and 2. The work perspective on preventing and solving drug problems should be changed and the public's understanding should be changed.

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How to Cite
Khotwicha, W., Boonprachong, K., Sichompoo, C., & Singmat, S. (2024). -Community Participation in Drug Prevention and Surveillance. Case Study: Ban Kut Sathien Sang Ming Subdistrict Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province: Community Participation in Drug Prevention and Surveillance. Case Study: Ban Kut Sathien Sang Ming Subdistrict Loeng Nok Tha District, Yasothon Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 292–305. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4094
Research Article


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