Compare Politics and Government Between Thailand with England Compare Politics and Government Between Thailand with England

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Phrakhru Thammathorn Worawut Jittayano (Suwannaju)
Phramaha Thainoi Yanamethi (Salangsing)
Phairat Phuenchomphoo


Thai politics and government from the past to the present, are considered a time of change. Which Thailand has used the form or structure of political institutions governance that are similar with England. But there are differences In practice that is concrete and democracy like England such as in terms of the political institution of parliament, found that, The Thai parliament still lacks independence in carrying out the political activities of politicians Possess intervention or Infiltration of the decision-making process at the Senate level. The British Parliament has absolute and highest independent, which limit "Sovereignty" within the scope of the law to originate from parliament. Parliament has more power than both the Executive and Judicial Branch. Political development sections such as, Thailand still lacks the creation of a standardized mechanism in for driving political activities in practice, the opportunity is given to the people to participate in politics both directly and indirectly. As for all British citizens, they can participate in the political process. and enter the electoral system for political decision-making. Which determines which party receives the majority to be the country's administrator. Therefore, there is an objective 1) To study concepts and theories in education and compare politics and government between Thailand with England. 2) For comparison of politics and government between Thailand with England, namely 1) The political institution of parliament, together with, 1.1) Having independence in performing work. 1.2) There are checks and balances of power. 1.3) Having responsibility towards the people. 2) political development, together with, 2.1) Legitimacy of the political system. 2.2) Efficiency and effectiveness of the political system. 2.3) Stability of the political system.

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How to Cite
Jittayano (Suwannaju), P. T. W., Yanamethi (Salangsing), P. T., & Phuenchomphoo, P. (2024). Compare Politics and Government Between Thailand with England: Compare Politics and Government Between Thailand with England. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 705–723. Retrieved from
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