Health Promotion School in the Crisis of Covid-19 Health Promotion School in the Crisis of Covid-19

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Jiratchaya Surasuk
Warangkana Pornko
Boonyaphu Phutirat


In the situation of the epidemic of COVID-19 understanding the epidemic And disease prevention is important for children and young people of all ages. If students are taken care of in both preventive measures and problem-solving correctly and appropriately, it will make students social immunity which is a shield for children to have appropriate emotional maturity. Providing quality education requires the use of management principles in the administration or operation of various businesses that must operate as a comprehensive system, with one important step being evaluation. to get feedback that will reflect the performance in the past as to how far the goals have been achieved Including any weaknesses or problems that need to be improved. so that the planning and implementation of the next phase will achieve the goals with quality and efficiency in line with educational standards during the COVID-19 crisis.

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How to Cite
Surasuk, J., Pornko, W., & Phutirat, B. (2024). Health Promotion School in the Crisis of Covid-19: Health Promotion School in the Crisis of Covid-19. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 641–654. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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