Health and Political Science: New Milestones in Local Politics and Government Health and Political Science: New Milestones in Local Politics and Government

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Chatthasanan Sanwonglakron
Ruangwit Wareewarach
Jiratha Thidkrathok


The intersection of public health and politics in local governance has become clearer with the recent transfer of hospitals to local administrative organizations, promoting community health. Several shared viewpoints have emerged between the two entities regarding public health in politics: 1) Local administrative organization managers should seek public health expertise to efficiently coordinate efforts between the two units. 2) Health officials or personnel should also familiarize themselves with politics and governance. 3) Both sets of managers should collaborate closely. 4) Local residents should monitor the work of both units to ensure alignment with their intentions. Success in public health and politics requires external and internal factors within organizations to collaborate effectively toward achieving public health goals.

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How to Cite
Sanwonglakron, C., Wareewarach , R., & Thidkrathok , J. (2024). Health and Political Science: New Milestones in Local Politics and Government: Health and Political Science: New Milestones in Local Politics and Government. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 688–704. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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