A Management Model to Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Mahasarakham Province According to Brahmavihara 4 A Management Model to Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Mahasarakham Province According to Brahmavihara 4

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Prapit Boranmool
Adisak Tumanan
Kitsanai Ratsaensee
Banjong Lawalee


The objectives research article were 1) to study the promotion of quality of life of the elderly in Mahasarakham province according to the Brahmavihara 4 principle and 2) to create a model to promote the quality of life of the elderly in Mahasarakham province according to the Brahmavihara 4 principle. It is qualitative research conducted by 30 key contributors, namely the elderly or elders in Mahasarakham province 15 people, the local sages in Mahasarakham province 10 people and religious scholars 5 people. The tools used to collect data are intermediaries. Data analysis using Content Analysis Technique.

          The research found that 1. Promoting the quality of life of the elderly in Mahasarakham province According to the Brahmavihara 4 principle, 1) Physical aspects are agencies involved in promoting the quality of life of the elderly must cooperate in organizing health promotion projects for the elderly continuously. 2) The mental aspect is to apply the principles of Buddhist teachings and beliefs as a guide for life. Practice developing one's mind by praying and meditating, regularly attending temples, making merit. 3) Housing: Government agencies should promote and support housing care. Providing an appropriate and safe environment for the elderly living in poverty in the area. 4) social relations: to promote and encourage the elderly and people in the community to participate in religious activities according to cultural traditions and important dates to create love and harmony among the community. 2. The management models to promoting the quality of life of the elderly. 1) The principle of kindness is that the elderly should have love and goodwill and have a friendly spirit towards family members. 2) The main aspect of kindness is saying good things with love. kindness and good wishes to one another. 3) The main aspect of Muthita is happiness when others are well and happy and has a bright mind. 4) The principle of euphemism is that one should consider things according to their reality and without bias.

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How to Cite
Phrakruchairattanakorn, Boranmool, P., Tumanan, A., Ratsaensee, K., & Lawalee, B. (2024). A Management Model to Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Mahasarakham Province According to Brahmavihara 4: A Management Model to Promoting the Quality of Life of the Elderly in Mahasarakham Province According to Brahmavihara 4. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 201–214. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4355
Research Article


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