Factors Influencing the Marketing Communication of Enterprenuer for Ethnical and Cutural Products in Mae Hong Son Factors Influencing the Marketing Communication of Enterprenuer for Ethnical and Cutural Products in Mae Hong Son

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supot kammanid
Raphassorn Kongtanajaruanun
Veena Nilwong
Pawinee Areesrisom
Koblap Areesrisom


          In this research study, researchers conducted fieldwork in Mae Hong Son province, analyzing the groups of entrepreneurs in the region based on their marketing competitiveness. The analysis resulted in the following categorizations: 1) groups capable of independent marketing without relying on the government, 2) groups capable of independent marketing but relying on the government, 3) groups incapable of independent marketing and relying on the government, and 4) groups incapable of independent marketing and unable to access government support. The objective of this study was to analyze factors influencing the marketing communication potential of cultural product and service entrepreneurs among ethnic groups in Mae Hong Son province. The study focused on 14 ethnic groups, totaling 140 individuals, selected through targeted sampling. Statistical analysis methods such as frequency distribution, mean, percentage, standard deviation, and multiple regression were employed.          The findings revealed that the communication level of marketing among cultural product and service entrepreneurs from ethnic groups plays a crucial role in promoting the creative economy in the border town of Mae Hong Son. Entrepreneurs prioritize the sales communication level, followed by sales promotion, advertising, public relations, and direct marketing. Regarding the sales communication level, the study found that entrepreneurs emphasize the importance of having well-groomed and smiling sales personnel who can motivate purchasing decisions and provide information and product recommendations at the point of sale. Additionally, statistically significant relationships were found between the communication level and factors such as gender, education level, and income level at a significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
kammanid, supot, Kongtanajaruanun, R., Nilwong, V., Areesrisom, P., & Areesrisom, K. (2024). Factors Influencing the Marketing Communication of Enterprenuer for Ethnical and Cutural Products in Mae Hong Son: Factors Influencing the Marketing Communication of Enterprenuer for Ethnical and Cutural Products in Mae Hong Son. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 417–429. Retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4408
Research Article


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