The Development of the Network Group Management Model for Improving Educational Quality in Small-sized Schools Under the Office of Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area 5 The Development of the Network Group Management Model for Improving Educational Quality in Small-sized Schools Under the Office of Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area 5

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Paijoj Klinkulab
Prapon Hleesin


This research article aims to 1) investigate the current situation and desired conditions for operating a network group to enhance the educational quality of small-sized educational institutions, and 2) develop a management model for network groups to enhance the educational quality of small-sized educational institutions. The sample group consists of 63 school administrators and 63 teachers, totaling 126 individuals affiliated with the Khon Kaen Primary Educational Service Area Office, District 5. The research tools used include questionnaires with a reliability coefficient of 0.99 and structured interviews, including recording and evaluation forms. Statistical methods used in the research include mean and standard deviation, as well as the Necessary Index (PNI). Research findings reveal that the current situation and desired conditions for operating a network group to enhance the educational quality of small-sized educational institutions are generally at a high level. The management model for network groups to enhance the educational quality of small-sized educational institutions is divided into 5 parts, comprising: Concepts and Principles, Components of the Network Group Management Model (including External Environment, Input Factors, Processes, Outputs/Results, and Feedback Data), Guidelines for Applying the Model, Evaluation, and Success Conditions. The assessment of the suitability and feasibility of the network group management model for enhancing the educational quality of small-sized educational institutions indicates a high overall level of suitability and feasibility.

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How to Cite
Klinkulab, P., & Hleesin, P. (2024). The Development of the Network Group Management Model for Improving Educational Quality in Small-sized Schools Under the Office of Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area 5: The Development of the Network Group Management Model for Improving Educational Quality in Small-sized Schools Under the Office of Khonkaen Primary Education Service Area 5. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 602–610. Retrieved from
Research Article


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