Khun Khon Ching Thong: the Tradition of a Boat Race for Monks in a Procession, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province. Conservation and Inheritance to Promote the Management of Learning History Subjects Khun Khon Ching Thong: the Tradition of a Boat Race for Monks in a Procession, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province. Conservation and Inheritance to Promote the Management of Learning History Subjects

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Thanat Yanthong


Research on Khun Khon Ching Thong: Tradition of the boat race parade, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province, conservation and continuation. To promote the learning of history subjects.Its purpose is to 1) To conserve and preserve Khun khon ching tong Boat Race Traditional of Lungsuan District, Chumphon  Province. 2) To promote the learning of historical subjects for 6th Grade of Bantupwang School. Research areas include: Bantupwang School, Bankuan Subdistrict, Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province.

           Sample group divided into groups as follows 1) Key informant is a group of individuals who provide in-depth information. History, traditions, rituals and social that about Khun khon ching tong Boat Race Traditional of Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province amount 20 people. 2) Casual informant is the person who procession participate or competitor Khun khon ching tong Boat Race amount 30 people. 3) General informant is the people of Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province that ever been or ever watching the Khun khon ching tong Boat Race. By interview, Feature Analysis and present the results in a descriptive analytical.

          Research has found that 1) The background of result is a historical study of Khun khon ching tong Boat Race of Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province for in order to be a new knowledge to learn about historical subjects for 6th Grade of Bantupwang School. 2) New knowledge of teaching and learning “Khun khon ching tong Boat Race Boat Race of Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province Story” to administer teaching historical subjects for 6th Grade of Bantupwang School by way of historical 5 step process as follows: 1) Determination issues 2) Gathering evidence 3) The analysiss, Interpretation and Assess evidence 4) summary and associate facts. The study evidence, the study found that Related information 5) Facts present from check of student’s work, recording a local historical story show that Student have a better understanding about how the history of the 5 stages as well. It is possible to bring historical stories on Khun khon ching tong traditions Boat Race of Lungsuan District, Chumphon Province. Overall student of 6th Grade study in historical subjects through all pass the assessment criteria

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How to Cite
Yanthong, T. (2024). Khun Khon Ching Thong: the Tradition of a Boat Race for Monks in a Procession, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province. Conservation and Inheritance to Promote the Management of Learning History Subjects: Khun Khon Ching Thong: the Tradition of a Boat Race for Monks in a Procession, Lang Suan District, Chumphon Province. Conservation and Inheritance to Promote the Management of Learning History Subjects. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 215–228. Retrieved from
Research Article


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