Towards Excellence in Educational Management: The Application of Brahmavihāra Principles Towards Excellence in Educational Management: The Application of Brahmavihāra Principles

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Sudarat Sosud
Theeraphat Thinsandee


In the modern world where education must experience continuous change. School administrators need a management approach that is both flexible and ethical. This article therefore intends to explore the application of the four brahmavihāra principles of metta (love and goodwill), karuna (kindness), mudita (delight in the success of others), and equanimity (neutrality) in management. educational institution To promote morality and ethics to executives Taking into account that leadership is like the captain of a ship leading the crew towards the set goals. The content of the article will focus on the importance of these principles in governing people and their appropriate application to situations within educational institutions in an era facing continuous change. It also gives administrators an opportunity to review and improve management methods to meet and align with the changing needs of students and teachers in today's era.

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How to Cite
Sosud, S., & Thinsandee, T. (2024). Towards Excellence in Educational Management: The Application of Brahmavihāra Principles: Towards Excellence in Educational Management: The Application of Brahmavihāra Principles. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 740–750. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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