School Administration Guidelines Based on the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu by Administrators of Childdevelopment Center Under the Local Administrative Organization, Wapipathum District, Mahasarakham Province School Administration Guidelines Based on the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu by Administrators of Childdevelopment Center Under the Local Administrative Organization, Wapipathum District, Mahasarakham Province

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Timtiya Palee
Theeraphat Thinsandee


          This thesis aims to study and propose guidelines for school administration based on the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu by Administrators of Child Development Center under the Local Administrative Organization, Wapipathum District, Mahasarakham Province with two main objectives were 1) to study the current conditions, desired conditions and needs in the administration of educational institutions. 2) to propose guidelines for the administration of educational institutions. The sample group consisted of 145 local government administrators and teachers, and 5 key informants. The research instrument was a 5-point rating scale questionnaire with content validity of 0.67- 1.00 and overall reliability of 0.97. Data analysis used percentage, mean, standard deviation, and needs assessment using PNI Modified, as well as descriptive analysis.

         The research results found that: The current state of the administration of early childhood development centers in Wapi Pathum District, Maha Sarakham Province, in accordance with the principles of the Four Bases of Social Conduct (Sangahavatthu 4), is at a moderate level. Particularly, the aspect of participation and support from all sectors is rated as moderate, while the overall management of the centers has the lowest average score. The desired condition is generally at a high level, especially in the management of early childhood development centers. The highest priority needs are in the areas of management, curriculum and activities, and personnel. The guidelines for managing early childhood education centers according to the Sangahavatthu 4 principles, as implemented by local administrative officers in Wapi Pathum District, Maha Sarakham Province, include the following: Early childhood centers should systematically organize data management, continuously promote the training and development of staff, and ensure appropriate educational materials are provided. Personnel must possess the necessary knowledge, skills, and good interpersonal relationships. Facilities should be safe, clean, and suitable for learning activities. There should be balanced curriculum development and activities, with opportunities for all stakeholders to participate in the development of early childhood education and support the operations of the center comprehensively

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How to Cite
Palee, T., & Thinsandee, T. (2024). School Administration Guidelines Based on the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu by Administrators of Childdevelopment Center Under the Local Administrative Organization, Wapipathum District, Mahasarakham Province: School Administration Guidelines Based on the Four Principles of Sangahavatthu by Administrators of Childdevelopment Center Under the Local Administrative Organization, Wapipathum District, Mahasarakham Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 106–118. retrieved from
Research Article


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