Promoting Learning and Preserving Thai Classical Dance for Youth Promoting Learning and Preserving Thai Classical Dance for Youth

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Kanthida Pungpho


In this academic article, the author wants to explain that Thai dance is diverse and has been passed down since a long time ago. The author therefore wants to analyze Thai dance and the promotion of Thai dance to youth should focus on recognizing the importance of Thai dance. Thai dance today faces a number of problems that can make the process less reliable, such as a lack of motivation and interest. lack of educational resources competition from other media. Therefore, we would like to present guidelines for promoting learning and preserving Thai dance, including creating diverse learning opportunities, Supporting interactive learning Creating an appropriate learning space Promoting learning through online media Creating cooperation with the community By creating a space for youth to fully learn and create unique works in the field of Thai dance, This is equivalent to preserving the national culture of this dance to remain with the Thai nation sustainably.

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How to Cite
Pungpho, K. (2024). Promoting Learning and Preserving Thai Classical Dance for Youth: Promoting Learning and Preserving Thai Classical Dance for Youth. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(1), 724–739. Retrieved from
Academic Article


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