A Study of Instinct and Spiritual Connection in Buddhism A Study of Instinct and Spiritual Connection in Buddhism

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Phramaha Thongkeb Yanapalo


          This research paper examines instinct and spiritual connection in Buddhism. It is concerned with the investigation of instinct and spiritual connections in Buddhism. It is part of the religious symbols that play an important role in the Buddhist faith, affecting changes in attitudes and goals, including ways of life. The preliminary study begins with the study of the meaning of intuition and spirituality from the Buddhist perspective.

          This study found Intuition is an intrinsic impulse. It can be called the inspiration or driving force of different individuals. according to personal character, but fundamentally, humans have similar basic instincts. and has a shared sense of humanity that is unique. Attempting to elevate from intuition to spiritual development processes, human beings differentiate from animals by using their intellect. Ponder with reason. It has to do with spirituality, which is awareness of the reality that arises within a person's mind. The process of spiritual development and elevation that Buddhism presents through the process of dharma practice, in which the phenomena that occur are personal religious experiences, occurs when human beings can connect with the spirit within, leading to success, that is, being able to add happiness to life. Because Humans are able to understand the value of life and find the truth in life in the right way. This is the development of the mind that promotes morality and wisdom in living so that one can live in society happily.

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How to Cite
Yanapalo, P. T. (2024). A Study of Instinct and Spiritual Connection in Buddhism: A Study of Instinct and Spiritual Connection in Buddhism. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 583–600. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4761
Academic Article


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