Building a Road Safety Culture through Community Mechanisms: A Case Study of the Sweet-Talking (Positive communication) Community Checkpoint in Kudsalao Sub-district, Kantharalak District, Sisaket Province Building a Road Safety Culture through Community Mechanisms: A Case Study of the Sweet-Talking (Positive communication) Community Checkpoint in Kudsalao Sub-district, Kantharalak District, Sisaket Province
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Road accidents were a leading cause of death. Wearing helmets was crucial to reduce the severity of head injuries. However, promoting helmet-wearing behavior in communities remained challenging. This study investigated the effectiveness of the “Sweet-Talking Community Checkpoint” in modifying helmet-wearing behavior and fostering a road safety culture through community participation in Sisaket Province. A mixed-methods design was employed. Results showed that the community could independently implement the initiative through positive communication and caring reminders without resistance. Helmet-wearing rates increased significantly. Success factors included designing the initiative to align with community culture, fostering participation, and support from local leaders and external agencies. Challenges were maintaining long-term continuity and expanding to other risk behaviors. This initiative exemplified the application of community mechanisms in creating a road safety culture. Studying its sustainability and expansion in the future will help systematically develop approaches for building road safety culture by communities.
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