Service quality of the District Registration Office in Roi Et Province Service quality of the District Registration Office in Roi Et Province
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This research study The objectives are 1) to study the level of service quality of the District Registrar's Office in Roi Et Province 2) to compare the quality of service of the District Registration Office in Roi Et Province classified by gender, age, status, education level, occupation, type of service received. and distance of travel to use the service 3) to study recommendations There was a sample size of 389 people according to Taro Yamane's formula. The research tools were questionnaires, rating scales. Statistics used in data analysis represent percentage, mean, frequency, and standard deviation. Compare participation, classified by gender and status, using T-test statistics, and classified by age. Education level, occupation, type of service and the distance of traveling to use the service using one-way ANOVA statistics. The results of the research found that 1) the quality of service of the District Registration Office in Roi Et Province Overall it is at the highest level. 2) Compare the quality of services provided by the District Registration Office in Roi Et Province, classified by gender, age, status, occupation, type of service. and the distance of travel to use different services There were no differences in opinions on service quality. Classified by level of education There was a significant difference in opinions on service quality at the .05 level and 3) Suggestions included 3.1) Speed of service provision. Service should be provided quickly. Officers can answer questions. Questions and problems solved quickly 3.2) Equality in service provision Service should be provided according to queue order. Providing services equally and without discrimination. 3.3) Responding to the needs of service recipients directly. It should meet the needs of the people receiving services exactly as desired. Be ready to provide services as soon as requested. 3.4) Reliability Staff should dress cleanly, neatly and appropriately. Be professional 3.5) Image Should be kept clean and orderliness of the place There is sufficient lighting for providing services.
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