Sangkahawatthudhamma Integration for Public Participatory Water Management: A Case Study of the Huay Kaew Reservoir Water User Group at Mae Faek Subdistrict in Sansai District of Chiang Mai Province Sangkahawatthudhamma Integration for Public Participatory Water Management: A Case Study of the Huay Kaew Reservoir Water User Group at Mae Faek Subdistrict in Sansai District of Chiang Mai Province

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Somdet Wannakon
Apirom Sidakham
Prasert Pontin


         This research article aims to study the level of Compare the participation of citizens of water user groups. and propose guidelines for integrating the principles of Sanghawatthutham for participatory water management of the people of the Huai Kaew Reservoir water user group, Mae Faek Subdistrict, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province. The research method is a combined method. The quantitative research sample is a group of 221 people who use water at Huai Kaew Reservoir. The tool used to collect data is a questionnaire. Data analysis statistics include frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested by t-test and F-test. The qualitative research used in-depth interviews with 11 key informants. Data were analyzed using descriptive analysis techniques.

         The results of the study found that 1) the level of participatory water management among people who use water in Huai Kaew Reservoir. The overall level was at a high level. 2) Comparing the opinions of water user groups towards participation in participatory water management of the people of the Huai Kaew Reservoir water user group, it was found that water user groups of different genders Participate in public participatory water management. They are statistically significantly different at the 0.05 level, accepting the research hypothesis. For the age group of water users Education level, occupation, monthly income and the duration of being a member of water user groups differs. Participate in the participatory water management of the people of Huai Kaew Reservoir. no different Therefore, the research hypothesis was rejected. 3) Guidelines for integrating Sangha Vatthu Dhamma principles for participatory water management of the people who use water in Huai Kaew Reservoir, including 1) Developing and strengthening the potential and knowledge of Sangha principles. Dharma objects and Buddhist principles to the public and water user groups by organizing workshops to build morality Living together harmoniously in the community 2) Develop and strengthen the potential and knowledge of water user group members 3) Improve rules and regulations for using water from Huai Kaew Reservoir 4) Develop a database system for all aspects of water resources. Comprehensive and up-to-date

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How to Cite
Wannakon, S., Sidakham, A., & Pontin, P. (2024). Sangkahawatthudhamma Integration for Public Participatory Water Management: A Case Study of the Huay Kaew Reservoir Water User Group at Mae Faek Subdistrict in Sansai District of Chiang Mai Province: Sangkahawatthudhamma Integration for Public Participatory Water Management: A Case Study of the Huay Kaew Reservoir Water User Group at Mae Faek Subdistrict in Sansai District of Chiang Mai Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 226–241. retrieved from
Research Article


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