Buddhist Integration for Public Service Promotion of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality at San Sai District in Chang Mai Province Buddhist Integration for Public Service Promotion of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality at San Sai District in Chang Mai Province

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Phra Sittichai Auttatunto (Kongneon)
Prasert Pontin
Noppadon Panyaweeratad


          The purpose of this research article is to study 1) public service provision 2) compare public service provision 3) suggest guidelines for promoting public service provision of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality, San Sai District, Chiang Mai Province. The research method is a combined method. The sample group used in the quantitative research was 384 people who came to use the services of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality. The instrument used to collect data was a questionnaire, analyzed with statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviation. Hypotheses were tested by t-test. and test the F value Qualitative using in-depth interviews with 9 key informants or people. Data were analyzed using descriptive content analysis techniques.

          The results of the research found that 1) the level of public services of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality Overall, it was at a moderate level. 2) Comparing the opinions of service recipients, it was found that service recipients with different genders, ages, educational levels, and occupations Average monthly income With statistical significance at the level of 0.05, the hypothesis was therefore accepted. 3) Guidelines for promoting public services found that it should: 1. Develop public service channels. Develop online systems Add online service channels Establish a comprehensive public service center. 2. Develop personnel to have knowledge, abilities, and good service skills. Establish an effective complaint system. 3. Increase public participation. Organize a community forum to listen to opinions and suggestions from the people. Establish a citizens' committee to jointly inspect the work of the municipality. Organize activities to promote knowledge and understanding about the missions and duties of the municipality. Disseminate municipal information through various channels. 4. Develop a transparent public service system. Disclose municipal information transparently. 5. Develop an efficient public service system. Develop the municipality's internal management system to be efficient. Use information technology to help provide services.

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How to Cite
Auttatunto (Kongneon), P. S., Pontin, P., & Panyaweeratad, N. (2024). Buddhist Integration for Public Service Promotion of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality at San Sai District in Chang Mai Province: Buddhist Integration for Public Service Promotion of Mae Faek Subdistrict Municipality at San Sai District in Chang Mai Province. RATANABUTH JOURNAL, 6(2), 354–366. retrieved from https://so07.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/rtnb/article/view/4867
Research Article


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